Rise up Stormgate fans, December is now officially Stormgate month! Frost Giant are treating us to more content than ever before, with a mega update dropping a ton of information on the many upcoming Stormgate events.
We’ll be getting juicy game-related stuff all month and you can find the full breakdown below.
New Infernal Host Units & Mechanics Revealed by IGN
December may be Stormgate month, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get the party started earlier. IGN treated us to a juicy video and article covering all things Infernal Host.
We saw four new units and three new mechanics, as well as more gameplay and some more explanation of things that were previously revealed. You can read all about it on our coverage (linked above) or check out IGN’s video below.
Stormgate Closed Beta to Begin December 5
This is the big one – the Stormgate closed beta will begin on December 5 and invites are already going out! Make sure to check your email if you signed up for the beta, and if you haven’t you can do so here.
The closed beta is a bit of a milestone for Stormgate and Frost Giant. It marks the progression of Stormgate from alpha to beta, as well as the release of one of the most anticipated game modes – co-op vs AI. Congrats on the progress!
Stormgate Co-op Details and First Hero Revealed
Speaking of co-op, Frost Giant have revealed the first Stormgate hero – a “badass sci-fi Paladin wielding a powerful hammer” code-named Blockade. We saw a preview of him some time ago and as many assumed he is indeed a Paladin (Uther vibes anyone?).

He has a diverse toolkit, including an ability to leap into combat, a spin-to-win attack, a heal, and a teleport. Not gonna lie, he sounds pretty OP… the AI is not going to have a good time! He can be played as a damage dealer, frontline tank, or healer, so it’s safe to assume there will be some customization available.
So far it looks like there will be only one co-op map, named Wreck Havoc, which will be a mission to stop convoys before they reach the enemy base. If you fail they will power a cannon and bad things will happen.
Stormgate Kickstarter Launches on December 5
Alongside the closed beta, the Stormgate Kickstarter will also go live on December 5. Don’t worry, the game is already fully funded – this is just to offer extras like a Collector’s Edition and Founder’s packs.
It looks like the Founder’s Packs will include campaign content, playable Heroes, other rewards like beta access (in 2024), as well as a limited-edition in-game pet, modeled after the Frost Giant yeti.
Meanwhile, the Collector’s Edition will, presumably, include all of the above, as well as a Vulcan mech statue and potentially other goodies. We’ll know more on December 5.
There are only a limited number of beta keys available from the Kickstarter, so if you really want access, make sure to snap one up as soon as possible. You can sign up for notifications on the official Kickstarter page.
A New Trailer Will Be Presented At The Game Awards
You might be reading the article and thinking – Wow, that’s a lot of new content! Well, it doesn’t stop here.
Frost Giant have also announced that a new trailer will appear at The Game Awards on December 7. It’s not clear when exactly during the show Stormgate will appear, so make sure to tune in and keep your eyes peeled.

The Game Awards show starts at 16:30 PST (19:30 EST) on December 7, which is December 8 for most of the rest of the world, including 12:30 GMT (that’s midnight for anyone confused) and 11:30 AEDT.
This year’s show will be streamed live just about everywhere. You can find the links to all the streams on the official Game Awards page.
Stormgate Technology Interview With Digital Foundry
Frost Giant are also giving some great content for the tech fans out there. The studio’s engineering director Andrew Sabri talked about Stormgate and SnowPlay with Digital Foundry and the interview will be released on December 10.
You can find the interview on their YouTube channel and it should go live at 07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 GMT, and 02:00 AEDT (this one’s on December 11).

Stormgate Showmatches to Take Place at DreamHack Atlanta
Last but certainly not least is an amazing reveal. Stormgate showmatches will be played at DreamHack Atlanta and streamed live!
This means we’ll get to see a ton of new gameplay from some of our favorite RTS gamers. The showmatches will be played on December 17, although no specific players or times have been revealed yet.
There will be a further announcement regarding this coming soon and we’ll of course keep you updated once that’s out.
All in all, there’s a ton of amazing Stormgate content this December, so get ready for a good one, Stormgate fans!
Stormgate December Content Calendar
TL;DR for people who don’t want to read, or just want a quick summary:
December 5: Closed beta starts, Kickstarter launches
December 7: Trailer at The Game Awards
December 10: Tech interview with Digital Foundry
December 17: Showmatches at DreamHack Atlanta