The Stormgate Kickstarter has been off to a flying start, reaching its goal in just 15 minutes and continuing its momentum two days later. Now, it has hit a massive milestone, with the Stormgate Kickstarter reaching $1 Million in pledges!
Stormgate Kickstarter Gets $1 Million in Pledges in Just Two Days
RTS fans have come out in droves for the Stormgate Kickstarter, with around 10,500 backers raising the pledge amount to $1 Million on December 7!
The Kickstarter started with a blazing fast pace, breaking the original $100,000 goal in just 15 minutes, and has shown little signs of slowing down. It has been steadily building and has now broken an amazing milestone, $1 Million!
With each milestone set by Frost Giant being reached, new stretch goals have been awarded. You can check those out below and if you want to find out more information about the Kickstarter or join the fun yourself, head to the official page.
All Reached and Upcoming Stormgate Kickstarter Stretch Goals
So far six stretch goals have been reached and new ones keep popping up as new milestones are reached! Here are the currently reached and upcoming Stormgate Kickstarter stretch goals:
The first two are purely cosmetic – skins that can make the game tileset and HUD look different. There are no solid details of what exactly these will be just yet, but it’ll be a nice way to personalize your game!
The other three now unlocked stretch goals are gameplay-orientated. Additional mutators affect the co-op vs AI mode – these are effects you can put on the game to give yourself an extra challenge.
Stormgate’s new player assist tool is “a potential game-changer for making [Stormgate] more approachable” – again no real details have been announced but it definitely sounds interesting. Then we have the 3v3 mode preview, which simply is an early look at the 3v3 mode and expanded bot personalities (giving bots specific gameplay elements, like always rushing). Last but not least are profile portraits, which will give you ways to customize your in-game profile.

Meanwhile, we know two more goals are coming up. The first is advanced hero customization, which will allow players to “explore fun synergies, carve out strong roles on the battlefield, and choose from unique build options for each of our Heroes.” Then the latest stretch goal is a Stormgate WebToon series, which would be a digital comic, but again, not many details are available for this. – These will be unlocked at $1.7M and $2M respectively.
The Stormgate Kickstarter runs until Jan 31, so if you’re thinking about backing the game, there’s plenty of time! It also means there’s time to keep breaking stretch goals – just how much can Stormgate earn?