Celestial Argent Opener Build Guide

With Stormgate early access kicking off, it’s important to hit the ground running on the ladder – and what better way to do that than being ready with a solid build order? If you’re planning on playing Celestial, this Argent opener is a great all-rounder to get you into the game.

Celestial Armada Argent Opener Build

This build is a safe opener that allows you to get out on the map with Argents, take creep camps, and apply pressure to your opponent while transitioning to higher tech or even securing a win! Here’s the build order.

  • 0:00 Creation Chamber (with Morph Core)
  • 0:00 Morph Core
  • 0:15 Train Argent (Start consistent production)
  • 1:00 Start creeping with Argents (Health camp first)
  • 1:30 Collection Array at natural
  • 1:45 Power Bank
  • 1:55 Morph Core 
  • 2:15 Morph Core
  • 2:25 Creation Chamber (with Morph Core)
  • 2:30 Power Bank, keep adding Power Banks when low on power
  • 3:30 Guardian Nexus
  • 3:30 Collection Array
  • 4:30 Upgrade to Arcstation (Should have Therium from creeping)
  • 4:30 Move Prism to Therium
  • 5:40 Research Photo-Restoration

Choose your transition:

Attack when Photo-Restoration upgrade is finished
Add Kri and Animancer
Add Sabers (not recommended) 

That’s that for the build. Celestials have a good few opening options, but this build is a safe way to get out on the map and take the all-important creep camps. You can hit a nice timing with the Argent upgrade, or just continue to scale up and add some tech options.

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