Stormgate Closed Beta To Begin in December

Frost Giant have just released another update, revealing that Stormgate closed beta is set to begin in December! In addition, the team has given some information about the game going forward – let’s take a look. 

Update: As of November 29, invites are being sent out – check your emails!

Stormgate To Begin Closed Beta Testing in December

First thing’s first – it’s time to get hyped! The Stormgate closed beta is set to begin in December, although no specific date has been revealed. 

There is also good news for anyone still waiting for an invite – this phase of testing will have double the number of players. While there are no official numbers as to how many players are already invited, double means there will probably be a lot of invites! 

Invites will be sent out at some point in November. Again, no dates have been confirmed, but if we go by previous testing phases, invites will likely be sent out in mid to late November and closed beta should start in early December. 

It’s also important to note that the Stormgate beta is not like beta tests for other games. The team have stated that they “plan to regularly update Stormgate with new features and content for years to come” and that beta just means that they can support wider testing more than anything. We’re still waiting on the campaign, the third faction, custom games, 3v3, and many other features

3-Player Co-op Mode Will be in Closed Beta

Speaking of features, it has been confirmed that Stormgate’s co-op vs AI mode will be in the closed beta! 

This is the introduction of a more casual game mode, allowing three players to take on the AI in a co-op mission setting – once again, since its early testing we don’t have too many details about it yet. 

new stormgate gameplay

Stormgate Will Have Early Access & a Way to Support Frost Giant

The last bits of juicy info come in two parts. First, it has been confirmed that after testing, Stormgate will launch in early access. This is something that won’t be the official launch of the game, but rather a phase of public testing that will allow the team to polish up the game, inspired by recent successes like Baldur’s Gate 3 (which was in early access for almost 3 years!). 

This means that the team will be accepting and utilizing player feedback during early access, as direct feedback from players has already been incredibly helpful for them. 

Early access will have “balancing and development of our core factions, refining our first batch of campaign missions, and building our 3v3 mode.” Additionally, the custom game editor will be worked on then, and may be available sometime during early access. 

Last but not least, Frost Giant highlights that they have heard the fans calls for a way to support the game (everyone wants some merch!). And there will be some news regarding this later in November. 

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